Friday, October 29, 2010

Michael 3

This morning we went back to Pastor Peter’s house to have a special breakfast with the nannies. They are the caregivers for the kids with special needs in the Forget Me Not children’s home project. They are really wonderful women who care deeply for the children they are responsible for. This is unique in Liberian culture. One of the beautiful things about this is that the kids with special needs live right next to Pastor Peter’s house so all his children (biological and foster) all know each other. The breakfast went really well. For more about FMN go to

Today I saw Michael right away when we pulled in, but he played shy for a while. The kids there all call me Michaelmom. So, I have another Liberian name. Today Michael is much better and doesn’t want to be held as much. But, he is starting to understand since I’m here he gets special privileges. The nannies had donuts for breakfast, but the other children weren’t allowed to have any. With me standing by his side, Michael helped himself to not one, but two donuts. Funny! Now my friends wonder if I’m spoiling him already. Really? : )

Today I brought the little photo album of pictures. There were a few pictures of Michael and some family pictures. He paged through them over and over. I told him everyone’s name and how they are related to him. When he saw the picture of him and Varney, he said, “Varney.” That was cool because he has only said a few words. I think about it like meeting your newborn. I talk, he listens. Lots of the kids wanted to look at Michael’s pictures. It was interesting to see who he would let look at it and who he didn’t. He knows his friends well.

We blew more bubbles and just hung out. It was a good day. He smiles when I ask him to. I’ve seen him giggle a little. It is such a blessing to be with him.

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