Friday, October 29, 2010

Habakkuk's grave

I forgot to finish my story about Michael and Habakkuk's grandma's house. So, I asked these two young men where grandma's house is. They showed me the place her hut used to be. I think then I asked about where Habakkuk was buried and they said,"Do you want to know? It's right here." And literally 20 steps from Grandma's house is a oval ring of stones the size of a small dining room table. This is Habakkuk's grave.

I knew that after the grandpa had died, the grandma had asked for Habakkuk to come to her. Michael actually stayed in Monrovia. It was while Habakkuk was there that he got cholera. The grandma told the boys to bury him close to her. So, they buried him on the other side of the footpath. Which, get this, is about 30 steps from Habakkuk's well.

It was meaningful to see his grave, but it meant more to sit by the well and outline the letters of his name- Habaku. Habaku's life brought life to his village, my village. And his life goes on.

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