Saturday, October 9, 2010

Long Overdue Update

I am going to Liberia Oct. 23 to Nov 1 to visit the boys and the well. I'm  really
excited, but it doesn't seem real yet. If you want to send anything, I'm hoping to
take soccer balls (deflated) and match box cars. Also, basic children's med. and
vitamins. I will leave a week before Michael's sixth birthday.

I didn't want to say anything sooner, but we almost lost Varney. His uncle who lives
in the US was back in Liberia to visit and was upset about Varney being at Pastor
Peter's house. So, he was removed for a few weeks. Finally, the police and a gov.
agency had a hearing and the uncle was a no-show. Varney should be going back to
Peter's house soon. And, in the end, it should end any further questions about
Varney's eligibility for adoption.

Things are moving in Liberia as far as the adoption goes. There has been a lot
of progress and we hope to know soon how much longer it will be. My prayer is
that by Christmas, we will know when we will travel to bring them home.

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